Amy E. Goyette
Society Insurance
Prior to joining Society, she held positions in-house with TrueBlue, as Senior Corporate Counsel, and with West Bend Mutual Insurance Company, as Senior Trial Attorney. She has also served as an adjunct, associate professor of law at Marquette University Law School. Attorney Goyette has had the pleasure of providing the industry and legal community with written and oral presentations on Medicare Secondary Payer compliance in the past, including at the following events: Marquette University Law School’s Annual Civil Litigation and Evidence Conference (March, 2014); State Bar of Wisconsin’s 2010 Annual Convention and its 36th Annual Torts Update (2014); Wisconsin Defense Counsel’s Annual Conference in 2013 and in 2010, its Spring Conference in 2010, and its Winter Conference in 2009. Her written material provided for the State Bar of Wisconsin’s 2010 Annual Convention was selected for publication, as an Appendices, in Arnold Anderson’s Wisconsin Insurance Law, Sixth Edition. In addition to these program presentations and publications, Attorney Goyette was an active member of the MARC Coalition and in that role worked on promoting Medicare Compliance legislation, including the SMART Act. In her free time, Attorney Goyette enjoys spending time “out of doors” with her family and promoting social justice issues.